Computation of tax credits on foreign income “equal to French tax”: Review of the CE rulings of 26 July 2011 Türckheim et Saucé (DF 2011 c. 558) and filing of a complaint to the European Commission; formal notice from the European Commission to the French Government on 16 October 2014; alignment of the administrative guidelines (Bofip December 2014 / July 2015) ; Judgment of the administrative court of appeals of Paris 7 April 2016 n°12PA04303 ; Reasoned opinion from the European Commission on the « loss » of foreign tax credits where a French individual resident taxpayer is in deficit for the fiscal year when he/she received the foreign source income that has borne a withholding tax in the source country, 13 July 2017.

- Reasoned opinion from the European Commission on the « loss » of foreign tax credits where a French individual resident taxpayer is in deficit for the fiscal year when he/she received the foreign source income that has borne a withholding tax in the source country, 13 July 2017.
Download - Lettre à Me Derouin
Download - European Commission press release - Bullet point 15 Taxation and Customs Union
Download - EU Addresses France’s Denial of Refunds, Carryforwards From Other States. Tax notes international, 4 septembre 2017

- Judgment of the administrative court of appeals of Paris 7 April 2016 n°12PA04303, Revue de droit fiscal, n° 20, 19 mai 2016

- France updates foreign tax relief rules for residents. Tax Notes International, 19 October 2015

- Bofip 29 juillet 2015

- Double imposition internationale des revenus étrangers : modification du calcul du crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français. A propos du Bofip du 26 décembre 2014, Revue de droit fiscal, n° 6, 5 février 2015

- Bofip 26 décembre 2014

- Mise en demeure de la Commission européenne du 22 octobre 2014

- Modalités pour éviter la double imposition : controverse sur le calcul du "crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français". Note sous CE, 26 juillet 2011, n° 308679, n° 308754 et n° 308968 min. c./ de Türckheim, concl. L. Olléon. Revue de droit fiscal, n° 41, 13 octobre 2011, comm. 558, p. 25